Čedomir Miler, dipl. ing. geologije, diplomirao je na Rudarsko-geološko-naftnom fakultetu (RGN) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Njegovo radno iskustvo od 1981. ÷ 1996. g. obuhvaća pripremu i vođenje investicija, vođenje hidrogeoloških istraživanja, uvođenje IT-a u poslovanje tvrtke, izradu matematičkih modela vodoopskrbnih sustava, uvođenje daljinskog nadzora i upravljanja te poslove rukovoditelja Tehničkog odjela, sve u komunalnoj tvrtki Ponikve Krk. Od 1996. do 2007. g., kao tehnički direktor u tvrtki Ponikve Krk, bavi se modernizacijom tvrtke, uvođenjem upravljanja kvalitetom prema ISO 9001, GIS-a i sustava odvojenog prikupljanja otpada. Od 2007. ÷ 2009. g. je ravnatelj Centra za održivi razvoj otoka sjevernog Jadrana. Od 2009. ÷ 2021. godine, kao zamjenik gradonačelnika Grada Krka, prioritetno se bavi komunalnom problematikom, gospodarstvom, IT-om, zaštitom okoliša, prostornim planiranjem i organizacijom gradske uprave. U tom periodu intenzivno sudjeluje u osmišljavanju projekta izgradnje svjetlovodnih pristupnih mreža FTTH arhitekture na području Grada Krka te vodi pripremu projekta izgradnje pristupnih mreža nove generacije (NGA) na otoku Krku. Trenutno je u mirovini no aktivan je kao voditelj provedbe ovog projekta.
Predavač: Čedomir Miler
Predavanje: Projekt pristupnih mreža sljedeće generacije na otoku Krku
Sažetak: Daje se pregled razvoja projekta izgradnje pristupnih mreža sljedeće generacije (NGA) na otoku Krku, od donošenja političke odluke o izgradnji svjetlovodnih mreža FTTH arhitekture korištenjem javnih sredstava, preko pripreme projekta za sufinanciranje gradnje mreža državnom potporom temeljem Okvirnog nacionalnog programa za razvoj infrastrukture širokopojasnog pristupa u područjima u kojima ne postoji dostatan komercijalni interes za ulaganja (ONP), izrade pripadnog Plana razvoja širokopojasne infrastrukture (PRŠI) i izbora investicijskog modela B, sudjelovanja u natječaju za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava te konačno provedbe projekta koja je trenutno u tijeku. Predstavljaju se svi relevantni podaci o projektu, problemi s kojima su se Grad Krk i druge jedinice lokalne samouprave na otoku Krku suočile u fazi pripreme i početka provedbe projekta te trenutno stanje provedbe projekta. Zaključno se daje prikaz očekivanih rezultata i koristi za lokalnu zajednicu.
Izlaganje će biti na hrvatskom jeziku!
Čedomir Miler, B.Sc. in geology, graduated from the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum (RGN), University of Zagreb. His work experience from 1981 to 1996 includes the preparation and management of investments and hydrogeological research, the introduction of IT into the company's operations, the creation of mathematical models of water supply systems, the introduction of remote monitoring and management as well as the duties of the Technical Department Manager, all in the utility company Ponikve Krk. From 1996 to 2007, as Technical CEO of Ponikve Krk, he was involved in modernizing the company, introducing a quality management system according to ISO 9001, GIS and separate waste collection system. From 2007 to 2009, he was the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development of the Northern Adriatic Islands. From 2009 to 2021, as the Deputy Mayor of the City of Krk, he primarily deals with communal issues, economy, IT, environmental protection, physical planning and organization of the city administration. During that period, he intensively participated in the design of the project for the construction of fibre optic networks of the FTTH architecture in the area of the City of Krk and managed the preparation of the project for the construction of new generation access networks (NGA) on the island of Krk. He is currently retired but is still active as a Manager of the implementation of this project.
Lecturer: Čedomir Miler
Lecture: The project of Next Generation Access Networks on the island of Krk
Abstract: An overview of the development of the project for the roll-out of next generation access (NGA) networks on the island of Krk is given, from the making of the political decision to build fibre-optic networks of the FTTH architecture using public funds, through the preparation of the project for co-financing the roll-out of networks with state aid based on National Framework Programme for the Development of Broadband Infrastructure in Areas Lacking Sufficient Commercial Interest for Investments (NFP), the creation of the corresponding Broadband Infrastructure Development Plan (BIDP) and the choice of investment model B, participation in the competition for the allocation of grants, and finally the implementation of the project, which is currently underway. All relevant information about the project, problems that the City of Krk and other local self-government units on the island of Krk faced during the preparation and start of project implementation, as well as the current state of project implementation, are presented. In conclusion, the expected results and benefits for the local community are presented.
Presentation will be in Croatian!