![VRATISLAV BLAŽEK](/images/speakers/Vratislav_Blažek.jpg)
Presentation: NextGen optical access networks, turnup automation and monitoring
PON overview, GPON&XGSPON Overlay, critical parameters to consider when deploying the infrastructure.
EXFO collaborative software platform for deploying and maintaining high-quality telecom networks faster, better and more efficiently.
FTTx build quality assurance from P2P feeders (F1-F2) to PON access points, avoid relying on contractors to perform and record/upload results and provide a birth certificate that shows actual condition of network upon contractor handoff.
Proactive maintenance/repair enhancement which enables quick testing of fibre from NOC/SOC.
Fiber inventory capacity, knowing the status of your fiber inventory allow you to plan and budget future upgrade. which is key to evaluate and execute your next upgrades quicker than competition.
International Executive record of working for Telco, Multinational Test and Measurement solution and services company, technology suppliers..
Specialties Test & Measurement ,Telco transport technologies, Wireless 2G, 3G, LTE, IT software and Service industry, technology suppliers. CEE, Russia & CIS Region.
Current position Regional Sales Manager, EXFO inc, (NASDAQ: EXFO, TSX: EXF)
Regional Sales Manager / Eastern Europe, Russia & CIS
• České vysoké učení technické v Praze – ČVUT (Czech Technical University) grade Dipl. Ing., Telecommunication Engineering
• Výzkumný ústav telekomunikací VÚST (Research institute for telecommunications)
Presentation will be in English!